Land Development Resources and Ordinance Reviews

Member Benefits

NAHB provides numerous resources to help members and HBAs advocate for more practical land development, to find innovative solutions for funding essential infrastructure, and to demonstrate how home construction benefits the economy.

Land Use 101 is a one-stop toolkit that assembles the best available resources from NAHB to address virtually every issue relating to growth, land use, and development, including impact fees and housing affordability.

The toolkit includes NAHB briefing papers, presentations, talking points, and credentialed reports that members and HBA staff can use to address local issues.

A similar resource, Housing for All, presents case studies of innovative solutions that communities nationwide have employed to help make homes more affordable.

Ordinance Reviews

As a free service, NAHB’s Legal and Land Use staff assist members and HBAs by reviewing state and local ordinances and regulations relating to development and construction, including local zoning ordinances, comprehensive plans, subdivision regulations, complete streets ordinances, impact fee ordinances, and state legislation.

NAHB staff examines and analyzes ordinances based on constitutional, statutory, and case law considerations. Generally, ordinances are reviewed for statutory compliance, procedural and substantive due process considerations, Fifth Amendment takings issues, and other legal deficiencies.

NAHB’s Land Use staff also provides rigorous critical review and comments on the land use policy and implementation aspects of proposed and revised ordinances. Staff members also can provide onsite assistance and expert witness testimony as needed.

If you would like NAHB to review a local ordinance or land use rule, click below and use the form to contact us.

Submit ordinance review request