NAHB Council Concepts

An exclusive benefit for council members, providing the latest trends and techniques in residential construction, along with practical ideas to help you grow professionally and increase your bottom line.

Sales Agreement

Offsite Construction: Taking on Partners or Selling Your Manufacturing Facility

A recent Shop Talk presented by the NAHB Building Systems Councils explored the dos and don’ts of preparing a residential construction company for potential investors.

Contacts: Darlene Webster
[email protected]
Manager, Customized Member Services
(202) 266-8216

Julia Andretta
[email protected]
Content Manager

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Copyright © 2024 by National Association of Home Builders of the United States. All rights reserved. Reproduction authorization with credit lines, copy requested. Acceptance of advertising in NAHB Council Concepts does not imply endorsement or approval of a product or service. Opinions expressed are those of the authors or persons quoted and not necessarily those of NAHB.

NAHB Council Concepts is published by the National Sales and Marketing Council of the National Association of Home Builders, 120115th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005-2800.