Pool Deck Occupancy Plumbing Code
Category: Government Affairs
Location: Erlanger, Ky.
Size: Local Association: 201-600 members
Year: 2023
The Plumbing Division of Kentucky’s Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction began enforcing a plumbing code for the occupancy of community pools. The code affected plumbing fixtures such as toilets, sinks and showers. Estimates of this enforcement ranged from $40,000 to $100,000 to comply.
The BIA worked with the Department’s staff and commissioner to rework methods of calculations on pool deck occupancy to lessen the impact of increased plumbing fixtures on pool facilities that were under construction. Community pool facilities would have been torn down without this work, foundations destroyed and rebuilt, and footers ripped out. Consequently, the development community would have had to significantly widen the footprint of these facilities, which would have resulted in the encroachment of adjacent residents’ lots or, worse, the permanent removal of these community amenities altogether.
The association reached an agreement with the Department to accept an interpretation and approval of local plumbing and building inspectors as the guiding interpretation for the territory.