The Credential - December 2022
Greetings, fellow HCCPs! I hope that this edition of The Credential finds you well and that your holiday preparations are underway! Here we are at the end of the year, and it’s time for our final issue of this newsletter for 2022.
This is also the last time that I will be writing the message from the chair as, next month, I will be turning the chair position over to Missy Covington. I’d like to take a moment to thank the HCCP Board of Governors, NAHB and each of the committee chairs for a tremendous year! The work that this dedicated board puts into this designation is admirable, and I’m proud to be associated with you.
This newsletter finds us, once again, focused on AIT. It seems that AIT has been the center of our discussions for the past two years, and the way it’s looking, it probably will be for the foreseeable future. It isn’t often that something truly transformational comes along in our industry, but this is one of those moments. AIT is the reality of our future, and as such, we all need to be educated and knowledgeable on the subject.
In this issue of The Credential, you will find the following:
- AIT FAQs for State Housing Agencies provided by our friends at Costello Compliance — although this is primarily directed at HFAs, the information in it will be valuable to everyone;
- A deep dive into noncompliance and what it truly means from the knowledgeable team at US Housing Consultants; and
- Spotlight articles on Julie Kafka (BOG), Christa Landram (Distributor), and Christina Walls (Designee).
As always, I’d like to put out the call to you, our HCCP credentialed members, to give back to the credential as you’re able. If you’re available to write an article, speak on a webinar, or even if you have subject you’d like to see addressed, please let us know!
Happy Holidays!
Wes Daniel
Senior Vice President, Affordable Housing
ConAM Management Corporation
Stories in This Edition
Average Income Test Minimum Set-Aside: FAQs for State AgenciesA Gift from the IRS
HCCP Board of Governors Spotlight: Julie Kafka
HCCP Designee Spotlight: Christina Walls
HCCP Distributor Spotlight: Christa Landram