Keep Workers and Others on the Road Safe with NAHB Resources
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, an annual campaign by the National Safety Council to highlight the dangers and costs of distracted driving.
At least eight people a day are killed in distracted driving crashes. Distracted driving isn’t just risky for drivers; it can be deadly for nearby pedestrians, bicyclists and workers.
Residential construction relies on drivers every day to complete job-specific tasks, such as procuring materials or tools, and for other things, like getting lunch for the job site and workers coming and going from the site.
NAHB has a video toolbox talk with resources for setting policies around driving and ensuring that everyone is practicing safe driving skills. Of course you require seat belt use while driving a company vehicle, but do you have rules around cell phone use? Watch the video below for best practices.
But it takes more than just policies and reminders of how to drive safely. When you know a worker is in a vehicle, don’t text or call them. If you’re in a vehicle and receive a call or text, don’t answer it while driving. Pull over or wait until you’ve reached your destination to address the communication.
Everyone knows distracted driving is a problem, but we all have to pitch in to make sure we’re not the cause of the distraction.