Membership Recruitment Tips From a Competition Winner
With Spike Appreciation Month in full swing and the race to become one of nine winners of Signature Kitchen Suites' (SKS) all-inclusive trip to New York City on the line, many across the Federation are wondering the best ways to recruit new members ahead of the Nov. 30 deadline.
Recruitment is important to the Federation's continued growth and member-to-member recruitment has proven to be the most effective form.
"The more we can promote what we do for our members, the more people will want to be a part of it," said David Price, president of the HBA of Raleigh-Wake County and one of last year's member recruitment competition winners.
This year, Price has been hard at work recruiting again and helping his fellow members with some tips for recruitment success. Among his top strategies, Price suggests meeting with prospective members wherever they enjoy spending their spare time.
"Meet them at a bar, brewery, or wherever people want to hang out. Not just a stuffy boardroom," said Price.
Price also recommends holding drive events at fun and unique locations. Later this month, for example, his HBA will hold a membership drive at an axe-throwing and bar venue owned by one of its members. The entrance fee is waived as long as attendees fill out a membership recruitment form, plus the first drink is on the house.
When it comes to talking points, Price suggests becoming familiar with and then sharing the details about NAHB's member savings programs. The member-exclusive deals are especially appealing for any industry professional who would like to recoup their membership dues by saving money on any of the products and services they use every day.
"For a lot of people, membership comes down to cost, especially if you're younger," said Price. "That's $600 per year. Well, there's way more than $600 in members savings benefits if you use them correctly. It more than pays for the cost of membership."
Learn more about the benefits of the Spikes Club. For a complete list of the discounts available through the member savings program, visit