NAHB Webinar Explains LIHTC Average Income Test Regulations
The IRS last year issued final federal guidance on new regulations governing the Average Income Test (AIT) required for a property to qualify for Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) status. State Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) have been working to interpret the regulations and develop policy appropriate for their areas.
During NAHB’s webinar, LIHTC Average Income Test: HFA Policy Considerations and Variations on Wednesday, June 7, 2-3 p.m. ET, expert speakers will discuss how the AIT regulations allow significant flexibility for HFA policy variation and interpretation.
Speakers include:
- Missy Covington, HCCP – VP, Compliance - Raymond James Affordable Housing Investments
- Matt Rayburn, HCCP – Deputy Executive Director & Chief Real Estate Development Officer, Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority
- Jennifer Schwartz – Director of Tax and Housing Advocacy, National Council of State Housing Agencies
Participants will learn about the ways that AIT policies may vary across states, what the current trends are in agency policies and best practices, and what this means for compliance. Whether you currently have AIT deals or are considering them in the future, this webinar will provide valuable information on the impact of state AIT policies on tax credit compliance.
The webinar is free for HCCP designees, Affordable Housing Group members and all NAHB Council members.
Register today! Participants can earn one hour of continuing education credit.