Join NAHB for a Free Discussion on International Housing Affordability

NAHB is hosting next week a free Shop Talk — an informal, peer-to-peer discussion — on how home builders can work with their communities to address all the needs across the housing continuum.
Global Commitment to Housing Continuum and Housing Affordability, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 a.m., will discuss the International Housing Association’s report, Housing Affordability — A World Challenge. The report addresses home builders’ role in ensuring people move consistently up the housing continuum — that is, from emergency housing like homeless shelters, through transitional and subsidized housing, and finally to market-rate rental and homeownership opportunities.
NAHB CEO Jerry Howard will moderate the discussion and will be joined by Canadian Home Builders Association CEO Kevin Lee and Build-Europe Managing Director Filiep Loosveldt.
Like in the United States, countries across the world are experiencing a housing affordability crisis. And many of the challenges are the same: access to land, increasing regulations, and onerous fees targeting residential development.
Hear these leaders discuss solutions some jurisdictions have used to create upward mobility and discuss the ideas with your peers in a virtual setting.
Register for free. Please note the early start time to allow global housing peers in Europe and beyond the chance to participate. So grab a cup of coffee and join us for an informative discussion.