Additional Stormwater Resources

Contact: Michael Mittelholzer
[email protected]
AVP, Environmental Policy
(202) 266-8660

EPA’s National LID Website
A compilation of a number of resources, with links, a literature review, fact sheets and technical guidance.

Center for Watershed Protection
A nonprofit organization that provides technical tools for protecting water resources.

Low Impact Development Center
This is a nonprofit organization that promotes proper site design that replicates preexisting hydrologic site conditions. The website contains a variety of technical resources and case studies regarding LID.

The University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
The center serves as a technical resource for stormwater practitioners by studying the design, water quality and quantity, cost, maintenance, and operations of stormwater management systems.

Associated Society of Landscape Architects
The society, along with several partners, published case studies showing benefits of green infrastructure.