The Credential - June 2022
Welcome to the spring edition of The Credential.
It’s hard to believe that we are almost halfway through 2022 already. But here we are!
Coming into this issue, I’d like to take a moment and welcome Carol Howard who is returning to the HCCP Board of Governors. Many (OK, let’s be realistic — all) of you know Carol, and you know that she is a fountain of knowledge and information related to the LIHTC program. We are all happy to have her return to the Board of Governors.
The HCCP Board of Governors recently met virtually in early June for our spring meeting. Major agenda items at this meeting included the election of three new Board members and planning our exam re-write. Thanks to all of those on the nominating committee for a solid slate of candidates and those on the exam re-write committee for your service to our credential.
In this issue of The Credential, you’ll find articles on calculation considerations and VAWA’s reauthorization.
In addition, we are spotlighting:
- Jeremy Densmore (Board of Governors),
- Kelly Wakefield (Distributor), and
- Jan Krueger (Designee).
We hope that the articles are helpful to you and provide value.
Also, please join us June 30 for our webinar, “Handling Change, Qualifying Households: Basics & Emerging Issues for LIHTC Properties,” hosted by Missy Covington and presented by Scott Michael Dunn. This webinar is sure to be informative and valuable to all those in attendance.
Finally, if you are interested in giving back to the HCCP credential — whether it is by writing an article, presenting a webinar, serving on the HCCP Board, or in any other way — please get in touch with me. We are always looking to hear from new voices!
Wes Daniel
Senior Vice President, Affordable Housing
ConAM Management Corporation
Stories in This Edition
Back to Basics: Household Transfers
Calculation Considerations When Documenting Income
VAWA 2022 Reauthorization
HCCP Board of Governors Spotlight: Jeremy Densmore
HCCP Distributor Spotlight: Kelly Wakefield
HCCP Designee Spotlight: Jan Krueger