The Credential - September 2021
Welcome to the September 2021 edition of The Credential.
Summer is almost gone, and fall is in the air. Our lives are settling into a new rhythm as the kids go back to school and more of us are getting back to the new normal. I find myself looking forward to cooler weather, campfires and even football games.
Yes, it does feel like we are on a roller coaster ride, as COVID is surging and new variants are springing forth. Hopefully we are a little wiser, and we will approach the rising swell armed with new technology and new methods of complying with regulations while providing others with a place to call home.
The Credential is designed to be a helpful tool to increase your knowledge and discuss the latest changes in the industry. We welcome your feedback or suggestions on topics you would like to see addressed in future issues. This month’s edition contains relevant articles by prominent industry experts:
- Christine Bennett-Martin of Bennett Martin Consulting provides unique insight into the world of tax credit housing as properties approach year 30 in her article, “Extended Use Expiration.”
- We learn about the lingering effects related to COVID and the affordable housing industry in “It’s Business as Usual…Maybe” by Gary Kirkman of E&A Team.
- Robin Thorne of RTHawk Housing Alliance and Beth Dziak of RBC Community Investments joined forces on “Expiring Deadline Extensions: What You Need to Know About Sept. 31, 2021.”
- In his “Back to Basics” series, Scott Michael Dunn of Costello Compliance instructs us on how to prepare for compliance reviews and what to expect during the review.
We look forward to meeting with you during the next HCCP webinar, “Re-Syndication: Not Your Average Acquisition Rehab,” on Sept. 15at 2 p.m. ET.
Remember that a fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye. If you think it is dead, you have obviously never seen it dance in the wind.
With Warmest Regards,
Susan Westbrook, HCCP
Manager of Rental Assets
NC Housing Finance Agency
Stories in This Edition
Back to Basics: Compliance Reviews
Extended Use Expiration
Expiring Deadline Extensions: What You Need to Know About Sept. 31, 2021
It’s Business as Usual…Maybe
HCCP Board of Governors Spotlight: Phyllis Clem
HCCP Distributor Spotlight: Stephanie Naquin
HCCP Designee Spotlight: Tera Mehrer