The Credential - December 2021
Welcome to the December 2021 edition of The Credential.
Can you feel the excitement yet? The holiday season is one of my most favorite times of the year. I long for the days when my children were young, seeing the glow of anticipation on their faces. I am in a new phase of normal, where I enjoy the radiance of my grandchildren’s eagerness. Watching them from afar is not as fun as living in the moment, but we adapt to the changes we experience in life. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be part of every moment.
Similarly, in our industry, we are getting back to a new normal. The world doesn’t look like it used to. We may look back with longing to easier, better times. However, we need to keep looking forward and affect positive changes in the world around us. Every moment is a gift to treasure!
The Credential is designed to be a helpful tool to increase your knowledge and discuss the latest changes in the industry. We welcome your feedback or suggestions on topics you would like to see addressed in future issues. This month’s edition contains relevant articles by prominent industry experts:
- Marie Peace of The Franklin Johnston Group and Scott Michael Dunn of Costello Compliance join forces to present “The Unexpected Human Impact of Using the Average Income Test.”
- As regulatory relief measures expire, we learn how to get ‘back to normal’ in the article written by Stephanie Naquin of Novogradac.
- Kelly Wakefield of Preferred Compliance Solutions describes the ‘new normal’ as she compares the old to the new and provides instructions related to regulatory changes.
- In his Back to Basics series, Scott Michael Dunn provides resources for various program requirements, including HUD, RD, HOME and Tax-Exempt Bonds.
We look forward to meeting with you during the next HCCP webinar, “COVID Deadlines & Extensions for LIHTC Properties: Are We Back to Business as Usual?” on Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. ET.
The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us. Best wishes to you!
With Warmest Regards,
Susan Westbrook, HCCP
Manager of Rental Assets
NC Housing Finance Agency
Stories in This Edition
Back to Basics: Combined Library
Returning to the New Normal
The Unexpected Human Impact of Using the Average Income Test
What to Expect as Relief Measures Expire
HCCP Board of Governors Spotlight: David Ho
HCCP Distributor Spotlight: Carol Rathman
HCCP Designee Spotlight: Tammica Grissett