CGB/GMB Consumer PowerPoint Presentation

Have a meeting with a prospective client? Ready to make a presentation to a community group or organization about NAHB’s Certified Graduate Builder (CGB) and/or Graduate Master Builder (GMB) designations?
NAHB has created a customizable tool for current CGB/GMB designees – the consumer PowerPoint presentation “Hire a Certified Graduate Builder or Graduate Master Builder.”
This presentation includes:
- An overview of the CGB and GMB designations and how a CGB or GMB professional can make a home more functional and beautiful
- Solutions that can be right for every home, including temporary adaptations and aging-in-place and ease-of-access features
- Visuals that explain how professionals like you can include aging in-place and universal design features in every room — and outside the home, too
- Customizable areas so you can insert a company logo or website, contact information, client testimonials, and images of projects and homes that you have completed
Active CGB/GMB designees must sign the usage agreement terms before gaining access to the presentation.
For more information about the CGB/GMB designations and/or the presentation, contact the NAHB Learning Helpline at 800-368-5242 x8154 or email [email protected].